- Von Ronald Meyer-Arlt, Twitter weiß wann die Grippe kommt, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, February 25, 2015
- Andy Macfarlane, Digital Libraries 2014, Informer: Newsletter of the BCS IR Specialist Group, January 29, 2015
- Kevin Driedger, Unforgettable ForgetIT (or is it?),, September 26, 2014
- Leon Neyfakh, The case for an absent-minded Internet, The Boston Globe Ideas, June 08, 2014
- Piotr Konieczny et al., Detecting news events from Wikipedia edits, Wikimedia Research Newsletter, February, 2013
My Demos
- TimeMED - Temporal Analytics Tool for Detecting Outbreaks in Twitter [CIKM’12]
- QUEST - Query Expansion using Synonyms over Time [ECML/PKDD’10]
- The TIME Delivery - determining time for non-timestamped documents [ECML/PKDD’09]